
What's New in Graphlytic 3.0

What's New in Graphlytic 3.0

We are very proud to announce the release of Graphlytic 3.0. We've made a lot of changes in almost every part of the application. Here's a quick summary of the most important changes.

Note: full release notes can be found here: Release Notes


Architecture changes

In order to support Neo4j 4.x connection, we have reimplemented the fulltext searching mechanism. Graphlytic is now using the Neo4j's fulltext schema indexes.

This brought with it a nice side-effect - to run Graphlytic you don't need any Neo4j plugin anymore! Just point to any Neo4j instance (3.5.6+) and start visualizing right away.

We have removed the REST connection between Graphlytic Server and Neo4j, it's Bolt only now and all core backend libraries were upgraded to recent versions to ensure better performance and security.

Visualization changes

Visualization UI was redesigned to match the style of other Graphlytic pages and to simplify the most common actions like "remove not selected elements", "find all mutually related nodes" or "reload query" to reload the original cypher query used to create the visualization.

One of users' favorite features that were added is the camera zooming, helpful for quick location of any node in the graph. Just take a look:

Among others I'd like to mention the redesigned Settings tab, new keyboard shortcuts, improved undo/redo functionality, UUID support for visualization saving.

Frontend audit logging

New frontend audit logging is capturing additional information about user's behavior. The details about the user's activity are available directly in the application or it's possible to use the new audit REST API to read all activity.

Try it now!

There is a lot to talk about but it's even better if you would try it yourself. You can start right now with the free Graphlytic Desktop edition. 

Be sure to let us know what do you think about the new features or contact us if you want to go for a Trial of the Graphlytic Enterprise edition.


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