
Introducing Graphlytic Cloud v2

Introducing Graphlytic Cloud v2

Our cloud infrastructure provides a powerful and flexible platform, enabling businesses and organizations to leverage the benefits of scalable, collaborative, and accessible data visualization solutions.

With many integration options, it's easy to create your own solution connected to leading graph databases like Neo4j, Azure Cosmos DB, AWS Neptune, Memgraph, Apache Tinkerpop, or JanusGraph. Add single sign-on, your custom geo map server, or use Graphlytic's REST API to create a unique solution tailored specifically to your needs.

Check all pricing options in the Cloud Configurator. Starts at 19 EUR/month.

Graphlytic Cloud Infrastructure and Integrations

We are continuously improving our cloud platform because we see that cloud computing can help with graph visualizations in several ways:

  1. Scalability: Cloud platforms provide virtually unlimited computing power, storage capacity, and bandwidth, which can be leveraged to process and visualize large and complex graphs and networks.

  2. Collaboration: Cloud platforms enable multiple users to access and collaborate on the same graph visualization project from different locations and devices, which can enhance teamwork and productivity.

  3. Accessibility: Cloud platforms can make graph visualization tools and data accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, facilitating remote work and data sharing.

  4. Cost-effectiveness: our cloud platform offers a cost-effective pricing model based on subscription plans, which can reduce the upfront costs and financial risks associated with building and maintaining an on-premises infrastructure for graph visualization.

  5. Speed: Graphlytic in the cloud can be up and running in a few minutes, reducing the installation time and providing much quicker idea assessment without the need to involve other infrastructure teams in your organization.

With the 2nd generation of Graphlytic Cloud, we have introduced new management capabilities that make it easier and faster to create and manage Graphlytic instances. Let's dive into the most important aspects of the cloud platform.

After login in at, you can see the list of your services (separate Graphlytic app installations), manage them, add new services, access the billing section, or access the user profile.


The Services page lists all services available to the logged-in user. Every service is a separate Graphlytic application hosted on a dedicated virtual server in Digital Ocean. There is no HW sharing between services, your service will always be separated from other services providing the highest level of security.

Graphlytic cloud services page

SMTP Integration Included

Every Graphlytic service in our cloud comes with a pre-configured SMTP connection out-of-the-box which allows using features like:

  • Password reset - simple password reset is available on the login page. With a few clicks, every user of the Graphlytic service can reset his/her password.
  • Sending invitations - when creating a new user in the Graphlytic service it's possible to send out an email invitation that has a link for auto registration and password setup.
  • Sending emails from jobs - email server connection is available also in the Jobs module in every Graphlytic service. Sending emails from jobs can be used in your automation pipelines to send notifications when a suspicious graph pattern was found after data import, or to send reports on a regular basis.

The first 10 emails every month are completely free. Contact us if you need to increase the email limit.

Service Management

Management of a service can be accessed using the cloud icon in the right column of that service. The main part of the service management page is the details panel with all info about the service, including HW statistics.

Graphlytic cloud service details

Next are the management panels where it's easy to restart or upgrade the HW of the dedicated virtual server. Upgrade of the Graphlytic application running on the server is done automatically by us, no worries about that.

Graphlytic cloud service management

We are improving our cloud infrastructure every day, adding new features, and improving security and stability. Please contact us if you would like to schedule a personal demo of the cloud platform.


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