Required Permission: Project Settings management (Read more about permissions in User Groups)
Table of Contents
The Queries setting is used to store the project's queries. There are several types of queries that can be defined with this setting (read more about queries on the Queries page):
- Node Filter query
- This type of query allows users to search for nodes using a simple condition builder and fulltext search. Any property or node labels (_dbLabels) can be displayed as columns in the result table. The user can define a simple condition to filter nodes and combine it with the fulltext search to find specific nodes. Selected nodes from the result can be visualized (used in a new visualization or added to the last opened visualization).
- Query definition consists of "title", "description", "columns", and "condition" (optional) - see Explanation of JSON properties below.
- Cypher/Gremlin query
- This type of query allows users to enter any Cypher or Gremlin query (based on the user's permissions only read queries can be executed or any query if the user has the All Data permission).
- Query definition consists of "title", "description", and "cypher"/"gremlin" - see Explanation of JSON properties below.
- Query Template
- A Query Template is a custom Cypher/Gremlin query presented to the user as a form with dynamic parameters (with suggestions) that the user can set in the UI and run the query without any Cypher/Gremlin knowledge. The Result Panel for this type of query shows basic statistical information about the returned elements and allows to visualize the result.
- Read more about the Query Template UI in Queries#QueryTemplate.
- Documentation of the Query Template configuration JSON structure - Query Templates.
- A Query Template is a custom Cypher/Gremlin query presented to the user as a form with dynamic parameters (with suggestions) that the user can set in the UI and run the query without any Cypher/Gremlin knowledge. The Result Panel for this type of query shows basic statistical information about the returned elements and allows to visualize the result.
- In the "Application Menu" (top right) choose page "Project Settings"
- In the "Project Settings" panel click on the "Queries" row.
- Enter JSON configuration and confirm by pressing the "Save" button.
Description of configuration
The configuration is entered in JSON format. Example:
"title":"Nodes in a table",
"description":"Persons and Companies of some subtype",
"labels":[ "Person", "Company" ],
"values":[ "person", "company" ]
"values":[ "auditor", "manager", "limited" ]
"title":"Cypher query",
"description":"Returns the first 100 nodes.",
"cypher":"MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 100"
"title":"SomeRelType Pattern",
"description":"This pattern looks for all relationships of a particular type starting in nodes of some specific type. Max number of returned relationships is 100.",
"textTemplate" : "Get all nodes related to nodes of type $type_list with relationship type $rel_type . Max number of returned nodes is 100",
"cypherTemplate" : "MATCH (a:SomeLabel)-[r:$rel_type]->(b) WHERE a.type IN $type_list RETURN r LIMIT 100",
"parameters" : [
"parameter" : "type_list",
"config" : {
"multiple" : true,
"labels" : ["SomeLabel"],
"property" : "type"
"parameter" : "rel_type",
"type" : "REL_TYPES",
"config" : {
"multiple" : false
Explanation of JSON properties:
Property | Values | Query type support | Description |
title mandatory | String | All query types | Title of the query. |
description | String | All query types | Description of the query. |
cypher | String | Cypher query | Cypher query defining the output of this query object. |
gremlin | String | Gremlin query | Gremlin query defining the output of this query object. |
template | Object | Cypher query Template object. Please refer to Query Templates for more information and examples. | |
condition | Object | Node Filter query | Condition for filtering nodes listed in the result table. Always use it together with columns. | | null, undefined, Array of SFO objects | Node Filter query | An array of filter criteria. Defined criteria will be used in the search and only elements which match these criteria will be shown in the results. If not defined, set to null, or set to an empty array then no filtering is applied for this query. Each criterion is defined by SFO (Search Filter Object). Logical "AND" is between each criteria in properties and logical "OR" is between items in values. Final condition based on properties can be for example: "type"="person" AND ("subtype"="auditor" OR "subtype"="manager"). | mandatory | String | Node Filter query | Name of the DB property to filter on. This property has to be indexed, which means it has to be set in properties of Node Index configuration or Relationship Index configuration. See the fulltext index configuration here - Graph Connections#FulltextSearchConfiguration. |
SFO.values mandatory | Array of strings/numbers/booleans | Node Filter query | List of values of the DB property which are matched in the search filter. The exact string/number/boolean value is matched. |
condition.labels | Array of strings | Node Filter query | Defines search criteria for node DB labels. Logical "OR" is used - a node passes the filter if it has at least one of the listed labels. |
columns mandatory | Array of CDO objects | Node Filter query | An array of column definitions used in the search results table. Each column is defined by CDO (Column Definition Object) which holds primarily the DB property name. Other metadata is used from Data Schema (e.g. title). | mandatory | String | Node Filter query | Name of the DB property used in the defined column. Values of this DB property will be listed as cell values in the result table column. |