The Graphlytic Cloud environment provides managed instances, ideal for teams that need to work with knowledge graphs but don't want to spend a lot of time configuring infrastructure.
Our cloud app can be integrated with an existing graph database, or we can create a blank one for you. Every cloud app is running on a dedicated virtual server.
You can schedule import jobs, create user groups with different permissions, or coordinate data gathering and modeling within your team.
With many integration options, creating a solution connected to leading graph databases like Neo4j, Azure Cosmos DB, AWS Neptune, Memgraph, Apache Tinkerpop, or JanusGraph is easy. You can add single sign-on capabilities, your custom geo map server, or Graphlytic's REST API to create a unique solution tailored to your needs.
Graphlytic Cloud service consists of two HW components: the graph database where the graph data itself is stored and the web application Graphlytic that is used by users to interact with the graph. Some customers already have their graph database (Neo4j, Cosmos DB, Apache Tinkerpop, ...) and want just the visualization application, some customers don't want to worry about the technical part and just want to start working with the visualization. We support both cases, just choose between the two below.
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Cloud platforms provide virtually unlimited computing power, storage capacity, and bandwidth, which can be leveraged to process and visualize large and complex graphs and networks.
Cloud platforms enable multiple users to access and collaborate on the same graph visualization project from different locations and devices, enhancing teamwork and productivity.
Cloud platforms can make graph visualization tools and data accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, facilitating remote work and data sharing.
Our cloud platform offers a cost-effective pricing model based on subscription plans, which can reduce the upfront costs and financial risks associated with building and maintaining an on-premises infrastructure for graph visualization.
Graphlytic in the cloud can be up and running in a few minutes, reducing the installation time and providing a much quicker idea assessment without involving other infrastructure teams in your organization.