Address: 20 Newmarket Road, Cheveley, Newmarket, CB8 9EQ
Country: United Kingdom
  • 20 Newmarket Road, Cheveley, Newmarket, CB8 9EQ
    United Kingdom
Jurisdiction of incorporation: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Founding Date: 2005-11-24
Statement Date: 2023-06-19
Active: Yes

About Ownership Screening of KJG LTD

Free online tool for ownership screening. KJG LTD comprehensive graph view of company ownership structures worldwide.
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We are using data about legal entities from the world-renowned Open Ownership Register.
We are using data about legal entities from the world-renowned Open Ownership Register.
A graph database is used to represent the data as nodes and relationships.
A graph database is used to represent the data as nodes and relationships.
Visualization powered by Graphlytic is used to show complex relationships in a single picture.
Visualization powered by Graphlytic is used to show complex relationships in a single picture.