Home directory of Graphlytic.
- bin
- graphlytic-init-deb - init script for Ubuntu service.
- graphlytic-init-rhel - init script for RHEL service.
- graphlyticc - script used to start Graphlytic as a console application (not used when installed as service)
- graphlyticd - script which is started when Graphlytic service is started
- certificates
- graphlytic-keystore - store for private and public key for HTTPS (self-signed)
- conf - configuration files
- graphlytic.conf - main configuration file
- logback.xml - main configuration file for logging
- data - data directory for Graphlytic. Stores: GL database
- icons - external icons
- lib - application libraries
- graphlytic.jar - web application
- log - contains log files, see Logging
- widgets - external widgets
(for example: /Users/shared/Graphlytic/data)
Data directory for Graphlytic. Stores: GL database
(for example: /Users/shared/Graphlytic/widgets)
Contains external Widgets, see Widgets Management
(for example: /Users/shared/Graphlytic/icons)
Contains external Icons, see Custom Icons